EN-3000 Multi-Channel Wireless Chipset 802.11b/g Throughput Evaluation
Sponsor: Engim, Inc
All Reports Sponsored by this Vendor
Document Number: 204116
Publication Date: 3/28/2004
Page Count: 6
Engim, Inc. commissioned The Tolly Group to evaluate its EN-3000 multi-channel, wireless chipset’s aggregate 802.11b/g throughput in a reference platform against three commercially available, single-channel enterprise-class 802.11g access points.
Results show that the AP based on multi-channel Engim technology delivers consistently higher performance than any of the three commercially-available single-channel APs tested. In every scenario, the Engim results are at least three times greater than the other AP’s results. In most scenarios, Engim results are 10 to 20 times greater and, in several tests, approximately 50 times greater than the other product’s.