Citrix CloudBridge 3000Comparative Citrix XenDesktop WAN Optimization Evaluation

Citrix CloudBridge 3000Comparative Citrix XenDesktop WAN Optimization Evaluation

Sponsor: Citrix Systems, Inc.

All Reports Sponsored by this Vendor

Document Number: 214113

Publication Date: 5/6/2014

Page Count: 6


WAN optimization buyers want to understand the performance of an appliance at reducing WAN bandwidth requirements while at the same time maintaining, or ideally, improving the user experience. The higher the compression of LAN data, the more value a WAN optimization solution provides. This higher compression means that a smaller leased circuit can be used, or the enterprise can accommodate more users in the future before migrating to a larger WAN connection. Citrix focuses on greater performance of the top enterprise applications, including Citrix XenDesktop and Citrix XenApp.

Citrix commissioned Tolly to evaluate the XenDesktop (HDX) WAN optimization performance of its CloudBridge 3000 and compare that to the performance of a commonly deployed WAN optimizer - referenced herein as Vendor X. The Citrix CloudBridge outperformed the competition in all tests.

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